You need to be active

You need to keep your body and mind active. It doesn't mean you have to train for a marathon or to go and buy some heavy exercising equipment. But find some thinks that you like, and that give you joy, and just enjoy in them. Go for a hike, ride a bike, run a few laps. This will keep your mind and body positive and fresh for every new assignment.

Eat good and healthy food

Saying "You are what you eat," is really true. You owe it to yourself to eat well, good and healthy. Also there is one more saying " In healthy mind, healthy spirit." Your body needs to regenerate itself, every day. So help your body in that process. This way your mind will always be sharp, and body fit and ready. You will sleep better, and happiness will come your way. And only thing for all of this that you have to do, is change your eating habits.

Find time for yourself

Every day, find some time for yourself. Maybe take a walk, or take a short nap, watch some funny clip, just find something whatever it is that will take your mind off things . You have to take pause from everyday stress.

Enjoy every morning

Mornings are very special because they set the tone for the rest of the day. We often stay late, so we can't enjoy that morning tomorrow. Enjoy your morning breakfast, enjoy that nice aromatic cup of coffe or tea, read something with it, and just take things slowly. If you are lucky enough to have sun rising with you even better, but even the morning rain has something special in itself.

Be grateful

Greatest feeling that you can experience is gratitude. Today people are trying to get more of everything, more money and cars, and stuff. But you need to take a moment and be thankful for the things that you have. Because no matter how much you have there is someone that has less. Instead of wanting more, consider the things for which you are grateful today. Materialistic things come and go, but the moments you have today can last forever.
