Do something outside

Some researchers have found out that going  for a walk outside in a nature has the same effect as some antidepressives and cognitive behavioral therapy treatment programs. Doing some exercises, little bit of walking or running can really do a lot for your mood.


It has been found that scents like orange and lavender can help a lot in reducing levels of anxiety and depression while boosting our mood. Really interesting was one study where scientists put orange and lavender scents  in a dental office. After some time they noticed patients decreased feelings of anxiety and improved mood as they waited for their procedures.

Eat some healthy food

Hunger is often the first thing that makes us incredibly irritable and angry.
But when you're in this state, definitely eat something that is good for you. Food used as a comfort that are sweet and full of calories  can actually have the opposite effect. Especially good is food high with magnesium.

Talk to yourself positively 

The hardest thing for every person is to silence that negative inner voice that is constantly yelling in our heads. We can always fight this negative voice with a positive one, using phrases like " I am successful, and i have succeeded before, today I'll overcome my obstacles, people make mistakes, I'll learn from them..."


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