You're a person with strong character

Thoughest thing for haters is seeing you strong and resilient in the face of the hardest trials in life. Haters are weak in all aspects. They think tearing people around them is going to make them stronger. The only way that you can become stronger individual is to strengthen yourself, inside and out.

You're a person that attracts attention

Problem with having a well put life is that the focus of attention is on you. Good things happening at work, great accomplishments everywhere, and a happy home life all warrant their own attention. So when you're in that position of getting a lot of  attention, your haters aren't. And so what do they do, they hate of course.

Your life is interesting

Why haters show up in your life ? There is a lot of reasons that you simply can't avoid. One of those reasons is that you have an interesting life. When people see you and look at you they know you're having a good life. People who aren't too happy with their lives, start to hate on you. Don't mind this kind of people. You keep doing your thing.

Your life has meaning

In the end of it all, your haters don't have lives that are meaningful to them. But that has nothing to do with you. Greet your haters the best way possible. Know them. Be the person that helps them rise to their challenges. And if they can't, or won't, say goodbye, and continue with your life.


  1. Lord! I've been looking all over the web for advice about why I attract so many haters in my life and every single post,blog and comment makes the assumption that you are hated because you are strong, successful and independent. I am none of those things! I am weak as water and an utter failure in life. So what's the deal? When I was bullied at school, my mother used to tell me, "They're just jealous." Jealous of what??? Jealous of an ugly, red-headed kid who was abused at home and bullied at school? Okay, I came top of the class as often as not, but it was the kid who came last who got a standing ovation and was universally loved. I just got groans and rolled eyeballs. But I'm not top of the class any longer. More bottom of the heap. Lower I could not go. But the haters persist. Sorry to bash your theory, but it just doesn't seem to hold water in my case. Either that, or the haters have got some very peculiar ideas about the definition of success.

    1. Greedeyedgirl, look there is more than just 4 reasons. But it is all about selfconfidence and the way how you see yourself. Thoughts are not real, other peoples opinions aren,t real. Only thing that matter is what you think about yourself, so if you start thinking good about yourself, as an important person that deserves the best out of life, that's what you'll get. Hope you understand what I'm trying to tell you.

  2. Many old friends and some classmates gang up to just observe my every move. They gather under one big womanizer to just discuss hatred on me.


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