This emotion is just temporary

Each emotion we feel comes and goes. It's really impossible to stay mad or sad or upset forever. Eventually, this feelings that you feel will pass and new will come. But it is your duty to keep the positive ones as long as possible with you, and let the negative ones go. Don't force your feelings and just feel them fully. 

Never give up because people are counting on you

If you're feeling down, remember that there is a big number of lives that you've touched and how much the world counts on you. That is why you need to be the best you you can be. Do the things you need to do to overcome this emotions, shed a few tears if necessary, and take a big, deep breath, stand up tall, take a stand and take control of your life.

Always remember the good things in life

If you are able to read this, than you have it better than more than half the world's population. First of all you have eyes to see and to read this, also you're lucky because you've been able to go to school to learn how to read. If you have money in the bank, some food in the fridge, roof above you, and good friends and family you love, you're doing alright. Always look on the bright side. You really don't need a lot to be happy.

Don't be affraid of change

Changes will always happen through life. As long as you accept them it's ok. Don't be affraid, but be ready for it. When people think about change they are always affraid that it will lead them to worse state, but changes will be positive if you decide that they will be positive. So live your life, enjoy in it and embrace every change.
